When potatoes are harvested in most African countries, farmers have a tendency to all harvest during the same period and bring their crops to the market at the same time. This, of course, leads to a glut of potatoes on the market. As a consequence, potato prices can drop to extremely low levels. Due to a lack of proper storage, the availability of fresh potatoes decreases within a short period of time.
The Hanse Storage Solution is a solution for small-scale farmers in Africa. For all other (bigger) projects, Hanse can provide a custom-made design.
For more information, please visit: tailor-made
Hanse AgroStore International wants to support the small and medium-sized farms by offering a solution to this problem. After proper research and testing, Hanse has developed a storage facility which suits both the African climate and its market: a storage solution which allows potatoes to be stored for several months with very limited losses (no rotting, no sprouting), and without the need for electricity from the grid.