Hanse has designed a potato storage concept for the African market: a simple but effective and efficient storage solution, which allows agricultural products to be stored for longer periods. As such, food shortages can be minimised.
Basically, it is a solution for the small-scale farmer to prevent post-harvest losses and to optimise efficiency and profit. This storage facility is available as a basic model or premium model. It is also possible to upgrade and customise the storage unit with advanced options.
The concept of the Hanse Storage Solution consists of a specially developed facility, designed to incorporate all the requirements necessary for the storage of potatoes in a professional way. The Hanse Storage Solution can maintain a constant internal climate in terms of temperature, relative humidity and CO2 concentration, in which potatoes can be stored for a longer period.
The Hanse Storage Solution has the following attributes:
Hanse has combined Dutch knowledge and technology with the culture, climate, infrastructure and environment of Africa.
Instead of large storage facilities, such as those we provide in the Netherlands, the choice has been made to provide smaller storage units which can be strategically spread out over the countryside. In this way, farmers avoid high transport costs and the potatoes will not lose their quality due to long transport times in possibly unfavourable conditions, such as warm temperatures and with excessive exposure to the sun.
Because the storage unit does not need electricity from the grid, it can be constructed in locations throughout the countryside!